Harry Applefish, an isolated Belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lea

Blowing Up Spies Poster


Harry Applefish, an isolated Belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lea

Blowing Up Spies Poster
Title: Blowing Up Spies
Year: 2015
Description: Harry Applefish, an isolated Belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lea
Genre: Action, Comedy
Rating: R | TV-MA
Page Created By: Leomark Studios
Directed By: Pascal Rocteur
Produced By: Vincent Fournier
Cast: Guy Cohen,Kristiaan Debusheer,Hugues Hausman,Michel Nabokoff,Patrick Ridremont
Blowing Up Spies
Harry Applefish, an isolated Belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lea
Action, Comedy
Page Created By:
Leomark Studios
Directed By:
Pascal Rocteur
Produced By:
Vincent Fournier
Guy Cohen,Kristiaan Debusheer,Hugues Hausman,Michel Nabokoff,Patrick Ridremont
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